Member Washington
State Nonprofits
Washington State Patrol
Memorial Foundation
P.O. Box 901, Prosser WA 99350 /wspmemorialfoundation@gmail.com / 360.597.4411
The Washington State Patrol K9 Memorial was unveiled on August 15, 2017. It is located at the Washington State Patrol Academy.

K9 Patrick
Washington State Patrol K9 Patrick is the only member of the agency’s explosive detection canine team tragically lost in the line of duty.
K9 Patrick, a two year, nine month old German Shepherd, served alongside his faithful partner Trooper Mike Allan. The pair began working together in October 2015, at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where they spent over 400 hours of training in explosives detection. The duo became certified on December 10, 2015, assigned to the Washington State Patrol Homeland Security Division in Seattle.
On April 14, 2016, K9 Patrick died in the line of duty. Trooper Mike Allan and Patrick had participated in explosive detection training at the AMTRAK Seattle Sounder station, and returned to the Colman Ferry Terminal where Patrick screened two Ferry loads of cars for explosives. After conducting his work and while travelling home, Trooper Allan saw Patrick was in distress. Trooper Allan rushed Patrick to a vet and emergency surgery was conducted to try and save Patrick, who was suffering from tangled intestines. Tragically, the surgery was not successful.
A memorial monument was erected in 2017, at the Washington State Patrol Academy in Shelton honoring K9 Patrick and his sacrifice.